First Hi4CSR Transnational project meeting in Ljubljana, finally!
Seven countries, eight organizations and one idea
In December of 2015, when colleagues from RRiF first contacted IDOP regarding the development of the project that very soon became Hi4CSR, little did we know about the many opportunities within Erasmus+. Fast forward few months, after the exciting process of the joint writing of the Application form, exploring possiblities within the Erasmus+ KA2, more than regular emails and phone calls to The Croatian Agency for mobility and EU programs, and extremely nervous and impatient waiting for the official results – here we are! Consortium consisted of seven countries and eight organizations connected by one idea and many goals, finally met in the headquartes of Ekvilib Institute in Ljubljana. Strategic partnership officially began!
The most interesting fact about this project is that all project partners dedicated to CSR, all from different parts of the EU, created the first transnational project that will discuss harmonization and implementation of the EU CSR Directives to national frameworks. Indeed, this is the first EU project that puts CSR legislative into focus, with an aim to create sustainable impact when it comes to EU enterprises, decision makers, educators, adults, CSR professionals and entire communities.
CSR legislative, as the important part of the EU Strategy 2020 is no longer an aspect that should be taken lightly, especially in the new EU members such as Croatia. Having this mind, when we arrived to Ljubljana on October 14th and Aleš opened the door of Ekvilib Institute, we all thought the same – we are finally starting!
During one day, our first working day together, Hi4CSR consortium offically began working on the project that almoust one year ago seemed like an, we can freely say, impossible dream. Our first TPM was the opportunity to bring to life all the elements that we have put in the Application. Through official presenting of all partners, project objectives and phases, budget and responsibilities, Hi4CSR, as an eighteen month long Erasmus+ strategic partnership, fully became an independant living project with its own mission. A mission that will be over in April of 2018th, but will unofficially continue through future activities, educational and advising programs, and hopefully, new collaborations.
When the offical part of the TPM approached its end, consortium spent the rest of day by Ljubljana sightseeing and having lunch in a social enterprise Skuhna. Skuhna is world-food restaurant that employs immigrants from all over the world, serves food from their countries and organizes a daily program focused on multiculturalism and social issues. Hi4CSR consortium enjoyed local foods and drinks from Zimbabwe - enjoyable ending of a first successful TPM!
You can find more about the first TPM here.
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