"Life cycle approaches for sustainable regional development" 2017

"Life cycle approaches for sustainable regional development" 2017

Sustainability objectives are more likely to be achieved if regional administrations adopt a longer-term, holistic, life cycle approach to development decision-making.

The 6th International Summer School on Life cycle approaches for sustainable regional development with a theme Life cycle tool box for Regions will take place on 1st – 3rd September 2017 in Luxembourg. This Summer School is an opportunity for professionals and regional managers to learn more about how to extend traditional life cycle tools into new application areas in sustainable development.  The objective is to encourage expanded LCA use by influential social partners who have not so far employed these techniques extensively.  This includes regional institutions, research teams and industrial associations that wish to enhance the effectiveness of their sustainability initiatives.  It is also aimed at life cycle professionals and academics interested in broadening their client base by offering new applications.

Life Cycle BookThe Summer School aims to develop better understanding of life cycle management approaches that can contribute to regional sustainability.  It expands the managerial toolbox currently employed for the promotion of, for example, circular economy, maintaining a vibrant SME industrial sector, developing local resource-based economies, and in gaining a better understanding of waste and pollution challenges in regional communities. Life cycle approaches can also assist in enhancing landscape and natural resource management.

The Summer School draws on a recent book "Life cycle approaches to sustainable regional development (2017)." Find out more about it here. A number of the summer school lecturers are authors of important chapters in this publication.

This summer school is jointly organized by the FSLCI and the LCASRD Group, composed by Guido Sonnemann, Stefania Massari and Fritz Balkau.

The 2017 edition of the summer school will explore topics such as LCA approaches that address broader sustainability issues, mapping regional materials flows, agent-based LCA for mobility, life cycle techniques for landscape and land-use, as well as building a LCM toolbox for SMEs.  These instruments will be examined also for their role in strengthening regional programmes in circular economy and in building a bio-economy.  The summer school uses an interactive programme structure based on lectures, workshops, cases studies and role-plays to explore the key issues.

A preliminary 1-day introductory/refresher course on life cycle assessment will also be offered for a small extra fee.

This year’s Summer School is held at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, back to back with the International Conference onLife Cycle Management 2017 which takes place from 3-6 September 2017. Learn more about it here

Further background and programme is available here or here.

For further information please contact info@fslci.org


Author: LUM University