Global Impact Grid presentation on socially responsible food management
During the first Learning Activity in Zagreb, within the topic "General Food Law and Food Hygiene Legislation", Global Impact Grid has shown that positive impact to society and responsible food management can converge in actions such as "Homeless veggie dinner" occurring in Berlin Germany.
Dario Adamic, the initiator of Homeless Veggie Dinner, has come up with the idea of using food that is soon to be destined for waste containers and transforming it into delicious dishes. A volunteering team collects such food donated by individual sellers and/or supermarkets. Once a month, homeless and poor people are welcome to a three-course-meal event in Kreuzberg (Berlin), organized by a group of international volunteers. They prepare, cook and serve the food for roughly 250 people at a time. The dinner is open to everyone willing to share a meal or a story with the underprivileged members of our society and is offered free of charge.
Sitting at the same dinner table with people from other social classes creates social contact that otherwise wouldn’t happen on the street.
The Co-founder of Global Impact Grid, Boris Bulatovic, has presented their cooperation with the initiative, introducing a good example of practice of social responsibility, contributing to the richness of the Hi4CSR learning activity.
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