CSR news and magazine

CSR news and magazine

CSR NEWS is a worldwide internet platform for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It is owned by the non-profit-making Corporate Responsibility Foundation and is neutral and independent. Created for CSR experts, CSR practitioners and everyone interested, it offers a wealth of information on corporate social responsibility: background and practice orientation, quick overview and expertise, dialogue and participation. It emphasizes the importance of public dialogue between companies & NGOs and offers them an opportunity to present themselves on the platform and to use it as a channel of communication with their stakeholders.

CSR NEWS provides news about corporate responsibility and is an international platform for dialogue with articles in five different languages. It provides a tool for everybody in charge of CSR or interested in it, with a database for literature, a worldwide map about CSR and special search tools. It also acts as a think tank for CSR.

You can visit the website here.

Author: Global Impact Grid